Full article: Structure and electrochemical properties of CuO …
When compared to that of CuO-ZnO nanocomposites at 2M KOH electrolyte conditions, the XRD peak intensity of the nanocomposites with NaOH and NaNO 3 …

When compared to that of CuO-ZnO nanocomposites at 2M KOH electrolyte conditions, the XRD peak intensity of the nanocomposites with NaOH and NaNO 3 …
The results of the XRD analysis exhibited that the pure CuO, ZnO and CuO/ZnO NC has a nanometer size with an average of 15.19 nm. The UV-vis analysis showed that the CuO, ZnO and CuO/ZnO NC has a ...
XRD diffractograms of the mixed oxide precursor and of the products are depicted in Fig. 11. These results reveal that although the ZnO peaks are more evident, two phases (CuO and ZnO) co-exist. Most probably, the Cu 2+ species migrated to the ZnO matrix and occupied positions in its planar defects, originating the Cu x Zn 1−x O stable …
XRD results showed wurtzite hexagonal phases and a space group of P63mc for both ZnO NPs and ZnO/BT nanocomposites, with average crystallite sizes of 21.65 and 13.73 nm for ZnO NPs and ZnO/BT ...
Figure 1 (page 1) shows one of the reflectivity scans. Using the Fourier method in the Reflectivity software, a thickness of 55 nm was obtained for the ZnO layer. In the symmetric 2theta-omega scan in Figure 1, the sole existence of (00L) peaks of the ZnO layer demonstrates that the c axis of the ZnO crystal is parallel to the sample normal.
It confirms that the monoclinic phase of CuO is well matched with standard JCPDS (48–1548). The XRD pattern of ZnO/CuO-rGO nanocomposites is shown in Fig. 1 c. Due to the low amount of Cu 2+ in the ZnO lattice, the major peaks in this nanocomposite are from ZnO, and the minor peaks are from CuO [48]. Diffraction planes of the ZnO …
3.1 XRD analysis. The XRD pattern of the ZnO thin film and heterostructured ZnO–CuO bilayer are displayed in Fig. 1. the diffraction pattern of the annealed ZnO(100 nm)–Cu(50 nm) composite at temperature of 200 and 400 °C in air ambient were compared with pure ZnO thin film.The diffraction peaks at 2θ = 31.8°, …
For this procedure the following characterizations were made: (1) XRD to check the crystal lattice of ZnO; (2) SEM to observe the rod-like morphology of the sample and with an average grain size ...
In this work, ZnO semiconductor nanoparticles were synthesized by using different concentrations of Citrus microcarpa extract 1%, 2%, and 4% w/v (weight/volume), which have organic contents that ...
2.2 Characterization of the CuO/ZnO nanocomposite films. The structural characterization of the obtained CuO/ZnO nanocomposite thin films was carried out by X-ray diffraction (Bruker D8 Advance Serie II, diffractometer using Cu-Kα radiation (λ = 1.540056 A°)).The samples were scanned in reflection mode in the range 25–80° in 2θ …
CuO NPs increased the Cu content and ZnO NPs increased the Zn content significantly as exposure increased. • ZnO and γ-Fe 2 O 3 NPs promoted S. miltiorrhiza growth by increasing underground biomass and root diameter of plants.. 700 mg•kg-1 ZnO NPs increased the relative abundance of Humicola, Arenimonas, Thiobacillus and …
According to the results, CuO−ZnO NCs with 20 wt % CuO showed enhanced photocatalytic activity against dye with a 0.017 min−1 rate constant compared to 0.0027 min−1 for ZnO nanoparticles ...
Cu-doped ZnO is the catalysts in which the atoms of Cu get inserted to take the place of Zn in the crystal lattice of the ZnO. In this type of catalyst, XRD analysis only gives the …
The preparation of the CuO/ZnO heterojunction was schematic illustrated as shown in Fig. 1. A simple chemical solution strategy was then used to form Cu (OH) 2 /ZnO according to Eq. (1). (1) ZnO + CuCl 2 + H 2 O → ZnCl 2 + Cu OH 2 ↓. Download : Download high-res image (166KB) Download : Download full-size image.
The heterojunction ZnO/CuO piezoelectric catalysts with different Zn/Cu molar ratios were synthesized by one-step polyacrylamide gel method. Various characterization techniques have been used to explore the phase structure and purity, composition, morphology, charge state, electronic energy level, optical and …
2.4 Wet impregnation method. Sathishkumar et al. [] synthesized CuO-ZnO nanofibers by the wet impregnation method.ZnO nanoparticles were mixed with an aqueous solution of Cu sulfate CuSO 4 ·5H 2 O with stirring for 48 h for the incorporation of CuO on ZnO. The mixture was heated at 100°C for 24 h to evaporate the unwanted water and calcinated at …
The phases of deposits on the Ti substrate were investigated by X-ray diffractometer (XRD, Bruker D8 Advance, Germany), all patterns were tested under Cu-Kα radiation with an incident diffraction angle of 0.5° and the scanning step of 0.02°/s, the range for date recording was set as 20°-80° in 2θ. ... ZnO/CuO coatings: E corr = -0.261 …
This enzyme-free CuO-ZnO/GCE malathion sensor demonstrates outstanding stability and excellent detection performance under optimal operating conditions with a wide linear range of malathion from 0 ...
The XRD pattern of the CuO–ZnO_2 core–shell nanowires (Fig. 4e) evidences, additionally to the diffraction maxima attributed to Cu foil, Cu 2 O film and the CuO nanowires, peaks at 2θ: 31.7 ...
The presence of CuO and ZnO peaks of XRD result reveals nanocomposite formation. The UV absorbance spectra show the variation in band gap energy from 3.04 to–3.14 eV for all the used electrolytes at 2M concentrations. The Raman spectra confirm the pure phases of CuO-ZnO nanoparticles. The CuO-ZnO flower shape (3D) shows …
In this manuscript, ZnO/CuO nanocomposites with different concentrations of CuO were synthesized using a simple hydrothermal method. The x-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), atomic force microscope (AFM), UV–Vis spectrophotometer, and fluorescence spectrometers were used to study the physicochemical properties of …
The ZnO/CuO solar cells with 10% cobalt doped ZnO and 20 nm thick MoO 3 buffer layer achieved the best power conversion efficiency of 2.11%. Our results demonstrate the crucial role of the band alignment on the performance of the ZnO/CuO heterojunction solar cells and could pave the way for further progress on improving conversion efficiency in ...
ZnO was significantly more efficient in PDS conversion and SO4•− generation than TiO2. For ZnO, the PDS increased the transformation rate of the trimethoprim antibiotic from 1.58 × 10−7 M s ...
The XRD patterns of the ZnO powder are shown in Figure (1), it is cleared that powder has a Hexagonal structure, according to ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) card No. (00-36-1451 ...
In this study, a simple and green strategy was reported to prepare bimetallic nanoparticles (NPs) by the combination of zinc oxide (ZnO) and copper oxide (CuO) …
Abstract. Current study delineates the synthesis and environmental applications of ZnO/CuO nanocomposite in photocatalysis and gas sensing. The …